Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Make any table sortable using Tabelsorter.

Ever wanted to sort a table according to your needs on a website but it was lack of this feature? 
Fortunately there's a pretty nice solution.
Tablesorter is an excellent jQuery plugin created by Christian Bach. It can turn any standard HTML table into a fully sortable table without page refresh.
All we need to do is include the source file and apply it's tablesorter() method on the desired table(s).
Of course, it has a bunch of useful settings which are fairly described in the documentation.

Sunday, November 15, 2009


Hey there,

It's me, Erno (mostly known as zserno in cyberspace). I've created this blog because I want to share all the interesting stuffs I learn, create and discover during my work. I'll mostly write about Drupal, OS X and different Web development topics.
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